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Segunda, 05 Outubro 2009 00:00

Rural&ForestRural&Forest is the forest magazine published by the Forest Sciences Technology Center of Catalonia (CTFC). It is published since 2003 every semester with a paper printing of 1500ex, distributed to public administrations, research centers, libraries, universities, etc... and to all individuals who during those years have expressed interest in the magazine.

The magazine is strutured into the following sections:

  • Scientific articles
  • News from CTFC
  • Recent publications
  • Agenda

The number 10 of the magazine (Fall 2009) was the last one to be published in paper form. From now on, the magazine will be published as a digital newsletter and it is now in the process of transition to its new format. It will be distributed electronically to more than 3.500 people.

Our editorial vision is to serve as a link between the society as a whole and the public authorities linked to the forestry sector, in order to offer solutions to their various problems, requirements and constraints: the fragile ecological equilibirum of our forests, the difficult socio-economic conditions for their exploitation, leading to their progressive abandonment, the necessity to value and recognise the important role they have from both a social and an environmental point of view. These are some of the challenges we are faced with and which direct our actions.

CTFC is a young centre, but since its creation in 1996, it has walked a long path serving the mission it was assigned by the founding members of it consortium. This mission is fundamentally to contribute to the modernisation and improvement of the competitivity of the forestry sector, especially in a mediterranean context, through research, training and technology transfer. For this our activities are now organized around 3 work programmes: functioning of ecosystems, multifunctional management, and governance.

With the publication of Rural&Forest, we intend to disseminate our activities, knowledge and results and outreach to the society in general.

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Actualizado em Quarta, 25 Novembro 2009 15:32

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